9 mar 2006

Morning cup

good the challenge of Kims and answered by San says that that type of cup uses?
this is mine, I leave so fast to the university, that what I do is to gather mug full of flavorful cafe mokachino, it warms up well...
so that this, by the practitioner and it fits perfect in my car
bueno el desafío de kims y contestado por sam dice que que tipo de taza utiliza?
esta es la mía, salgo tan rapido a la universidad, que lo que hago es recoger el mug lleno de un sabroso cafe mokachino, bien caliente...
por que este, por lo práctico y cabe perfecto en mi carro

4 comentarios:

Von dijo...

Hi Nela, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I have a mug like yours too, but I don't usually have to rush in the morning so don't use it all the time.

Von dijo...

Hi Nela, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I have a mug like yours too, but I don't usually have to rush in the morning so don't use it all the time.

nela dijo...

hello vonn, then the one of the cup, he is terrible, now they are the 6:00 a.m. and I have entered to check my purchases, I leave to the university to work today, I am that I fall asleep over the PC, so I remain slept but that I can, and for that reason hardly, volume my is possible in the cup and to run, it arrives yesterday at the 10:00 p.m. now I have much work, and nothing of embroiderings, but the day Sunday use another cup but cofashion, kisses

Alison dijo...

Nelaaaa - me gusta tu taza y un mokachino me parece muyyyyyy rico - a mi me gusta el cappucchino con mucha mucha espuma encima :-) y un poco de educorante y polvorado de chocolate tambien, mmmmmmm!

Gracias mil veces tu e-mail - he quedado toda la semana muy tareada en mi oficina y con los proyectos del Uni (un plazo de 1 mes para dos reports ayyyyyyy!!!! ) - pero te enviare una respuesta pronto pronto!!
